Christmas Eve Church Service near Reading
Our service will be held at the historic house of worship known as St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Gibraltar. The church is located at 1035 Old River Road, Birdsboro, PA. The New Year is upon us and the first day of the 2022 is almost here! We would love you to join us in our celebration of our savors birth and help us bring the Christmas spirt to all those in the community. You can go to our website to confirm service times and see what special activities and performances we are having this year.
As the pandemic hopefully continues to fade we are excited to see all of our parishioners, as well as, some new faces that want to join our community of faith and worship. We hope that all of you have a blessed Christmas season and can find a new inner peace in the Lord as we move into the New Year.
For many people, 2022 will be a time of personal renewal, as they look back on the past year and try to make sense of where they are, where they want to go, and what they want to do. The community at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Gibraltar would love to help you incorporate Christ into that renewal and affirm all the blessings and prosperity that will be coming to you in the New Year. We hope to see you this Christmas season!
Promoting Christian Witness
The need to promote Christian witness in all aspects of life is the primary concern of The Lutheran Church. The NALC promotes this task by means of the printed word, music, social media, educational workshops and conventions.
Since 2000, the NALC has published The Lutheran, which is distributed to a million people each week. The Lutheran also is available through websites, social media, and podcasts.
The NALC is a network of pastors, seminarians, church planters, and students who are committed to the Gospel and committed to each other. The network of pastors and church planters is made up of people from all over the United States. The NALC is a part of the North American Lutheran Church and is affiliated with the National Association of Evangelicals.
The NALC's Affinity
From the beginning of its existence, the NALC endorsed the following three Principles of Confessional Identity, which reflect the NALC's commitment to faithful adherence to the Lutheran Confessions:
1. The Gospel and the Church as the unifying and defining principles of all things.
2. The Reformational Church, Ordinary and Extraordinary means.
3. The two-fold structure of the Church and the Priesthood.
Those three principals were affirmed and reinforced in 2005 at the annual meeting of the National Association of Lutheran College and Seminary Graduates.The NALC is a national organization of Lutheran college and seminary graduates from across the United States, Canada, and beyond. We seek to foster inter-denominational cooperation for our common work of proclaiming and protecting the Gospel and nurturing a faithful clergy and laity. In order to ensure that the Church is empowered by prayer and faithful witness, the NALC exists to form cooperative relationships with other Christian bodies for our common work of proclaiming and protecting the Gospel.
Our greatest commitment is to walk with our brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of differences in theology or other theological or ecclesial disputes. Our liturgical life, however, can often seem too removed from our daily lives. We want to connect with God, and we want
Advocating for Church Union
The Lutheran Church has declared, "We are convinced that the only way the Lutheran Church can truly fulfill its mission to proclaim Christ and serve Him in the world is by working for Christian unity..."
This unique ministry of the NALC will provide for an opportunity to learn and grow with each other and to advocate for unity, which the Lutheran Church holds as the priority of its mission.
NALC will give guidance and encouragement to members of the Lutheran Church and beyond as we strive for truth and justice in Christ, following the example of Jesus Christ and his disciples.
We are led by the example of the disciples of Christ, who became great and powerful as God's servants, and therefore will be ourselves prepared to use our gifts and callings to help our brothers and sisters live in peace, love, and justice.
Pastors and others who bring the Gospel to our neighborhoods will continue to be needed to make the world a better place, because the world needs to hear and see the gospel.
As part of its work, NACNNA has contributed to or been involved with many important issues including:
For this reason, we will call for a meeting of the Lutheran General Council (LGC) on the topic of "Violence and the Church." In this workshop, we will engage with the stories of John the Baptist, Jud as, Mary, Elizabeth, and many other witnesses to the love of Jesus in the face of violence. We will examine the works of John Wesley, Martin Luther, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Finally, we will engage with various ways that the Church can respond to the challenge of violence. We will conclude by looking to the long legacy of the faith of the saints, and the Spirit's work in us.
This week we are going to be looking at how to have courage when it comes to the use of social media. Today, I want to write a little bit about what the Lutheran Confessions say about this. Luther's Small Catechism starts out with the question: "What is the chief end of man?" In other words, what should we do with our lives? Luther asks, "Why should we live?" He wants us to ask this question.
Our research shows that many Americans who don't know the gospel are seeking and yearning for hope in this world. They are confused, disoriented, and/or disillusioned. Our research shows that the gospel provides that hope. We are called to be the gospel's proclamation.
In order to learn about Christmas eve church service near Reading #Boyertown #Reading #Birdsboro #Bally visit:
The NALC was formed in 2010. Its roots are bound in Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions, but its eyes are firmly fastened on the need to witness faithfully and effectively to the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ in this increasingly secular and troubled age. As a Church body, we are committed to the “authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God,” meaning that the Bible is our standard for judging the faithfulness of doctrine and ministry.
We are, therefore, committed to being Christ-Centered, Mission Driven, Traditionally-Grounded, and Congregationally-Focused. We believe that Jesus is Our Lord and Savior. We understand that as disciples of Jesus Christ we are to “make disciples of all nations.” We appreciate the riches of the 2,000 year old Christian tradition. And we are dedicated to the support of the local congregation in Birdsboro, Bally, Barton, Reading, Boyertown, Gilbertsville, Ridgewood, and Green Hills where the work of the Church is done.
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