The Christian Financial Advisor
One of the most important aspects of financial planning is having a firm foundation based on biblical principles. To effectively build your plan, you’ll need a foundation in scripture and its application to your daily life. Scriptures offer principles to help us think about our finances in a godly way. There are a few key scriptures that provide the foundation for biblical financial planning.
Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
The Bible instructs us to trust in the Lord for our provision and not to rely on our own understanding. We are to use our God-given minds and trust Him to lead us in the right direction. We should also acknowledge Him in all our ways, including our financial decisions.
Matthew 6:33: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
This scripture tells us that if we focus on seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness, all the other things we need will come to us as well. This includes provision for our finances. When we make God our top priority, He takes care of the rest.
Biblical financial planning is based on trusting in God and His guidance. When we follow His principles, we can be assured that our finances will be in order.
When it comes to financial planning, having a firm foundation based on biblical principles is one of the most important things you can do. Follow these scriptures and trust in the Lord, and He will help you get on track.
When it comes to financial planning, having a firm foundation based on biblical principles is one of the most important things you can do. Follow these scriptures and trust in the Lord, and He will help you get on track. If you don't have a financial advisor, consider seeking one out that is christian-based to help you create a foundation that is based on biblical principles. When you have a solid foundation, it's easier to make sound financial decisions.
When it comes to financial planning, having a firm foundation based on biblical principles is one of the most important things. You deserve what I call Christian Financial Planning! Learn more now. It’s better than any payday loan or installment loan available without credit checks or employment verifications! Seek out a Christian financial advisor and create a plan that’s based on biblical principles.
Biblical Principles of Financial Planning
Biblical Financial Planning focuses around 8 Bible teachings when working with money – 1 Thoresonship (financial accountability to God), 3 Wives (building financial stability, practical boundaries, and being Proverbs 31 woman), 4 joint ownership, and 8 tips: 1 tithe, 2 give, 3 save, 4 invest, 5 live below your means (don't buy what you can't afford, simplify and declutter), 6 savor all things (take care of your body by eating healthy, taking care of your home by maintaining a clean environment), 7 forgive (remind yourself that no matter what, God still loves you), 8 trust (put your faith in God and leave the rest to Him).
Investing in Christian Values
There are a number of Christian-based private equity funds available for investors who want to put their money into companies that share their religious values. These funds invest in secular businesses that are owned and operated by Christians, including mining, manufacturing, entertainment, real estate, manufacturing, and distribution companies.
At Christ Centered Capital Mark and his team are here to make sure that your money is benefiting not only your future retirement plans but will also help others in the meantime. The main focus of what Christ Centered Capital is trying to achieve is bringing the importance of helping other to the forefront in a space that has traditionally been an every man for himself approach. There is no reason why this new approach cannot be a reality.
What are the benefits of investing in a Christian-based fund?
The process of investing in a company with Christian values is different from the investment process of a secular fund. Christian-based companies often give a higher percentage of their profit to the charity or nonprofit of the company's faith. That's because many of these companies were founded by Christians. They understand the importance of the faith and values of their customers and employees. They are better able to identify the needs of their employees and their employees' families and to meet those needs.
A Christian-based fund also looks for Christian-based businesses that have a good reputation for operating in a socially responsible manner. These are not only Christian-based companies that believe in giving back to the community. They're also good business decisions for investors because they are profitable.
Important Terms
Examples of Christian-based funds
Visit the website and learn more about what the team at Christ Centered Capital can do for you investment future.
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The Hard Truth – If you invest in the stock market and did not hand pick and thoroughly research every company your money goes to, then you are most likely supporting Anti-Christian companies that support abortion, contraception, Human Trafficking, Pornography, Transgender Ideology and Critical Race Theory.
“When you invest in something or someone, that means you want that something or someone to grow in power and influence.” ~ Unknown (Possibly St. Thomas Aquinas)
Hello, my name is Marc Lozano and I own and operate Christ Centered Capital (C3). At C3 we primarily focus on three things.
Provide in depth research and analysis on what companies, organizations and charities align with Christian Values and which do not.
Provide investment recommendations and stock picks that have financial potential and are also aligned with Christian Values.
Charitable giving. We charge a $7/month subscription to gain access to our site and all its content, and at least 50% of the net profits received from these subscriptions is donated to vetted
Christian Charities.
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