Catholic Investing
Financial information related to issues of Catholic Faith, like the works of Mercy (the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy) which are reflected in the St. Vincent de Paul Society and other charities. You can see how much these projects have raised and how much they cost, and you can also see how much money the companies that run these projects are making. It's free and easy to sign up. Christ Centered Capital is not an investment fund. It is simply a search engine that provides information on how your capital is being allocated, and it is as transparent as any other investing platform.
If you invest in the stock market and did not hand pick and thoroughly research every company your money goes to, then you are most likely supporting Anti-Christian companies that support abortion, contraception, Human Trafficking, Pornography, Transgender Ideology and Critical Race Theory.
Non-Catholic Investing
The year 2021 has been a difficult one for traditional Christian investors. Because of Federal and State law, the only way to stop government is through boycotts or public exposure. While petitions, marches and even violence have worked in the past, they don't work with large bureaucracies.
A better approach is to stop your money from going to these organizations. At the same time, you can put your money into organizations that are aligned with your Christian values, whether it's providing healthcare to the poor, or feeding the hungry, or aiding children in need. You can even put your money into the projects of companies that provide items and services with which you may not be in agreement, but are in alignment with Christian values. For example, using your money to provide the staff with higher salaries to help support their families, or providing them with healthcare benefits. In this case, a Catholic company doesn't just give money to organizations that are 'in alignment' with their values, but also organizations that share their values in the areas of social justice and social concern. For example, if your values are 'mercy', 'human dignity', and 'life ', you'll want to seek organizations that also share those values.
This is one of my favorite 'top values' to help the world be better for all. An organization's focus on social justice may be an indicator of their alignment with Christian values.
Why is it important?
This is a very useful data-point to understand what organizations and people are aligned with our values. It can help you know which organizations to support and where to donate to in order to maximize your impact. It's also important because it can help you grow your financial portfolio in a moral and spiritual way.
Catholic Charities
Christ Centered Capital is a team of young , dedicated and tireless Christians who are on a mission to shift the culture of business by elevating Christians values into the capital they raise and invest. Here are some of the questions we ask when determining the morality of some of the investments that we make.
• Is there an ethical consequence to what they do?
• Are they aligned with Christian values?
• How can Christians invest in them?
We define corporate capital as the money Christians can raise and invest, and the decisions that come with that money. We have seen a massive growth in the movement of Christ Centered Capital. We have seen companies come out of the closet about their faith, about their belief in God, and about how they want to use their money to do good. It's not enough to be a "Christian business" anymore, we need to be a "Christian company" that believes in a Christ-centered approach to capital, an approach that allows us to do good and get more than we give.
Christ Centered Capital has compiled a list of companies that stand out as "Christian Businesses" with the Christian values listed below:
Christ Centered Capital (C3) is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization. The majority of our operating income comes from the interest earned on our investment portfolio. Our investment portfolio consists of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs
C3 was founded by Marc Lozano who is the owner and operator of Christ Centered Capital (C3). At C3 we primarily focus on three things.
We use traditional financial tools (equity and debt) and newer approaches (equity crowdfunding and debt securitization ) to help fund early-stage companies, as well as seed-stage ventures, innovative business concepts, and charitable projects.
Crist Centered Capital has been a pioneer in aligning philanthropic and capital markets for over a decade.
To discover more about Recommended Investments for people of Faith near Philadelphia #LehighValley #Philadelphia #Stroudsburg #NewYork PLEASE check out:
At C3 we primarily focus on three things.
-Provide in depth research and analysis on what companies, organizations and charities align with Christian Values and which do not.
-Provide investment recommendations and stock picks that have financial potential and are also aligned with Christian Values.
-Charitable giving. We charge a $7/month subscription to gain access to our site and all its content, and at least 50% of the net profits received from these subscriptions is donated to vetted Christian Charities.
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